[SAŽETAK] Radical Candor – Kim Malone Scott

Radical Candor, na hrvatskom Radikalna Iskrenost, nije ono što sam očekivao. Očekivao sam, po naslovu i opisu knjige, da će autorica obraditi temu davanja konstruktivnih povratnih informacija na radikalno iskren način. Savjete kako navedeno svakodnevno provoditi. Međutim, knjiga se svodi na savjete kako voditi tim.

Ali, to ovu knjigu ne čini lošom. Štoviše, sasvim solidno je obrađena tematika vođenja tima. Pisana je pitko, a savjeti su konkretni. Samo naslov ne odgovara tematici knjige. Nema veze. Primjenjiva je i drago mi je da sam ju pročitao te da s vama mogu podijeliti ovaj sažetak i svoj osvrt.


“It’s brutally hard to tell people when they are screwing up”

Part I – A New Management Philosophy

“Every time I feel I have something more ‘important’ to do than listen to people, I remember Leslie’s words: ‘It is your job!'”

“People dread feedback – both the praise, which can feel patronizing, and especially the criticism”

“Guidance, team, and results: these are the responsibility of any boss”

“Your ability to build trusting, human connection with the people who report directly to you will determine the quality of everything that follows”

“There are few things more damaging to human relationships than a sense of superiority”

“You have to accept that sometimes people on your team will be mad at you”

“Don’t personalize”

“It’s not mean, it’s clear”

“When you criticise someone without taking even two seconds to show you care, your guidance feel obnoxiously aggressive to the recipient”

“Manipulative insincere guidance happens when you don’t care enough about a person to challenge directly”

“Start by asking for criticism, not by giving it”

“Worry about praise, less about criticism – but above all be sincere”

“The boss needs to explain why; that is; be invested in helping the person improve”

“Be humble, helpful, offer guidance in person and immediately, praise in public, criticise in private, and don’t personalize”

“Rock stars are just as importan to a team’s performance as superstars. Stability is just as important as growth”

“Your role is to focus on them [rock stars and superstars] to make sure they are getting everything they need to continue doing great work”

“Part of building a cohesive team is to create a culture that recognises and rewards to rock stars”

“The best way to keep superstars happy is to challenge them and make sure they are constantly learning”

“Don’t let your focus on results get in the way of caring about the people you work with”

“Than create a culture in which everyone listens to each other, so that all the burden of listening doesn’t fall on you”

“Once you’ve created a culture of listening, the next step is to push yourself and your direct reports to understand and convey thoughts and ideas more clearly”

“Be clear to others. Make thoughts and ideas drop-dead easy for others to comprehend”

“You need to push them [your direct reports] to communicate with such precision and clarity that it’s impossible not to grasp their argument”

“But you’ve got to make sure that they [debates] happen, and that there is a culture of debate on your team”

“This is why kick-ass bosses often do not decide themselves, but rather create a clear decision-making process that empowers people closest to the facts to make as many decisions as possible”

“But if you fail to take into account your listener’s emotions, too, you won’t be persuasive”

“Be humble and invoke ‘we not an I’ whenever possible”

“Here are the three things I’ve learned about getting this balance right: Don’t waste your team’s time; Keep the ‘dirt under your fingernails’; and block time to execute”

“If you get too far away from the work your team is doing, you won’t understand their ideas well enough to help them clarify”

Part II – Tools and Techniques

“If you can’t give a damn about others if you don’t take care of yourself”

“Put the things you need to do for yourself on your calendar, just as you would an important meeting”

“For the most part, it’s better to use the time after work to keep yourself centered than to socialize with work colleagues”

“A radically candid relationship start with the basic respect and common decency that every human being owes each other, regardless of worldview”

“Acknowledge emotions”

“Adding your guild to other people’s difficult emotions doesn’t make them feel better”

“Telling other people how to feel will backfire”

“If you really can’t handle emotional outbursts, forgive yourself”

“In order to build a culture of Radically Candid guidance you need to get, give, and encourage both praise and criticism”

“Here are some tips/techniques I’ve seen work to get the conversation flowing:

  • You are the exception to the ‘criticise in private’ rule of thumb
  • Have a go-to question
  • Embrace the discomfort
  • Listen with the intent to understand, not to respond
  • Reward criticism to get more of it
  • Gauge the guidance you get”

“The first conversation is designed to learn what motivates each person who reports directly to you”

“The second conversation moves from understanding what motivates people to understanding the persons dreams”

“Last, Rust thought managers to get people to begin asking themselves the following question: ‘ What do I need to learn in order to move in the direction of my dreams? How should I prioritize things I need to learn? Whom can I learn from?'”

“Yes, by all means, praise in public. But think carefully about what you are praising. Praise the things you want more of: high-quality work, mind-boggling innovation, amazing efficiency, selfless teamwork, and so on”

“The most important of these meetings is the 1:1 with each of your direct reports”

“The purpose of a 1:1 meeting is to listen and clarify – to understand what direction each person working for you want to head in, and what is blocking them”

“An effective staff meeting has three goals: it reviews how things have goon the previous week, allows people to share important updates, and forces the team to clarify the most important decisions and debates for the coming week”

“Measuring activities and visualizing workflows will push you and your team to make sure you really understand how what you all do drive success – or doesn’t”

“Schedule an hour a week of walking-around time”

“A team’s culture has an enormous impact of it’s results, and a leader’s personality has a huge impact on a team’s culture”

“When you pay attention to seemingly small details, it can have a big impact of persuading people that your culture is worth understanding and adapting to”

“When you’re the boss and shit happens, it’s your responsibility to learn from it and make a change”

Dodatne poveznice

Goodreads: Radical Candor

Amazon: Radical Candor

Blackwell’s: Radical Candor

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