Leadershift je pojam koji je skovao John C. Maxwell, jedan od najvećih autoriteta u području leadershipa. Autor desetaka bestseller knjiga prodanih u milijunskim naknadama. Ova knjiga nije razočarala. Izvrsna knjiga koja kroz 11 tema opisuje gdje se najčešće nalaze leaderi a gdje su najbolji leaderi tj. koje promjene bi leaderi trebali provesti da postanu izvrsni leaderi.
Prepoznao sam se u svojoj povijesti ali i trenutnoj situaciji. Uz sažetak koji sam napisao, sastavio sam si i action points gdje se želim promijeniti.
Chapter 1 – Why every leader needs to leadershift
“Leadership, however, requires a more nuanced view of the world because it involves people, what motivates them, what their interests are, and how engaged they become”
“Good leaders adopt. They shift. They don’t remain static because they know the world around them does not remain static”
“If you want to be successful as a leader, you need to learn to become comfortable with the uncertainty and make shift continually”
“Embrace these practices daily, and you will be ready to face every leadershift situation with flexibility and confidence:
- Continually learn, unlearn, and relearn
- Value yesterday but live in today
- Rely on speed, but thrive on timing
- See the big picture as the picture keeps getting bigger
- Live in today but think about tomorrow
- Move forward courageously in the midst of uncertainty
- Realize today’s best will not meet tomorrow’s challenges”
Chapter 2 – Soloist to conductor; The focus shift
“One of the first and most important shift anyone can make to become a leader is from soloist to conductor. You can be a successful person on your own, but not a successful leader”
“When you transition from soloist to conductor, there are some realities you have to face:
- Going slower so you can go farther
- Recognition that you need others
- Making the effort to understand others
- Wanting others to shine more than you do
- Helping others to become better every day”
“Good leaders shift from being self-focused to others-focused”
“People remember those who added value to them, and they’re especially grateful to those who helped them first”
Chapter 3 – Goals to growth; The personal development shift
“The goal I set and achieved were nice, but they weren’t as significant as the growth I experienced. Goals helped me to do better. But growth helped me to become better”
”Growth’s biggest reward is not what we get from it, but what we become by it”
”To start making that shift [goal to growth], do these seven things:
- Embrace change
- Adopt a teachable spirit
- Make your love for learning greater than you fear of failure
- Develop relationships with other growing people
- Develop greater humility
- Believe in yourself
- Embrace layered learning”
Chapter 4- Perks to price; The cost shift
“Leaders who focus on perks end up misusing their leadership, and because they love perks more than people, they are continually tempted to misuse people to receive, maintain, or improve the perks”
“As leaders we can’t deny reality, nor should we try to sugarcoat it when communicating with our people. We need to bring reality into the conversation as soon as possible”
“All people with leadership ability have one perspective in common: before and more. They see things before other people do, and they see more than other people do”
“However, what sets great leaders apart from all other leaders is this: they act before others and they do more than others”
“Over the years, I’ve observed that they [follow-me leaders] share three common before-and-more characteristics:
- Follow-me leaders believe in themselves before and more than others do
- Follow-me leaders set expectations for themselves before and more than others do
- Follow-me leaders make commitments to themselves before and more than to others”
“If you desire to go to higher levels of leadership, you need to keep paying the price”
“If you want to have an amazing impact as a leaders, you need to make shift from perks to price and do many unamazing things as you make the difficult uphill climb of leadership and set the example for your team”
Chapter 5 – Pleasing people to challenging people; The relational shift
“But if you are a leaders, the answer is no. You can never make everyone happy. And wanting to do so is a setup for disappointment or failure”
“To make that shift [from pleasing to challenging], you need to do seven things:
- Change your expectations toward leadership
- Value people as much as you value yourself
- Work to establish expectations up front
- Ask yourself the hard questions before any potentially difficult conversation
- When a tough conversation is needed, do it right
- Understand the 25-50-25 principle
- Balance care with candor”
Chapter 6 – Maintaining to creating; The abundance shift
“What gets celebrated gets done”
“Micromanagement undermines creativity while freedom and flexibility foster it”
“Creativity requires risk, and taking risks requires courage”
“Too many rules cause idea anemia”
“Any time you learn what doesn’t work, you’re a step closer to what does work”
“If you want to create something significant, build it in small increments”
“To be creative, leaders need to add options to their planning”
“The more ideas you test, the more likely you are to find one that works”
“When an idea falls apart, take time to consider what went wrong and how you can learn from it. The only true bad ideas are those that die without giving rise to other ideas”
“Curious people are imaginative people, and questions are doorways to opportunity”
“Leadershift from maintaining to creating allows you to lead people into the land of abundance and opportunity”
“Don’t ever get comfortable. Make the shift to abundance. Get out on the edge. Break new ground. Seize opportunity. Get creative”
Chapter 7 – Ladder climbing to ladder building; The reproduction shift
“Leadership should always be about others”
“This leadershift is about changing from being a personal producer to equipper of others”
“The better you are at climbing the ladder yourself, the more you will have to give others when you move on to the next phases”
“Good mentors don’t jump to conclusions. They ask questions and explore ideas to unlock doors that would otherwise remain locked”
“With that in mind, ask the following questions about anyone you are considering helping:
- Is this person hungry to learn?
- What is this person’s capacity?
- Are these person’s values compatible with mine?
- In this individual a leader?”
Chapter 8 – Directing to connecting; The communication shift
“If you want to become the best leader you’re capable of being, you must learn to connect with people”
“Here are the seven thing I have found to be most important to a leader who wants to connect with others:
- Humility – let people know you need them; Good leaders are aware that they need other people, and they let them know that
- Curiosity – ask people questions
- Effort – go out your way to connect with people
- Trustworthiness – be someone others can count on
- Generosity – give first, give continually
- Listening – open the best door to connecting with people
- Encouragement – give people oxygen for their soul”
Chapter 9 – Team uniformity to team diversity; The improvement shift
“As a leader it’s important to know that you don’t know. How? By engaging with diverse people on your team”
“As a leader, it is my responsibility to encourage and engage in conversations that draw out different perspectives”
“When people are on your team but don’t feel like they belong or contribute, they disconnect”
“Leaders can do that [support inclusion and diversity] by providing a collaborative environment in which employees can see the impact of their work, understand the value they bring to the organization, and are recognized for their effort”
“When you share space, share responsibility, share ownership, and share rewards, everyone wants to contribute”
Chapter 10 – Positional authority to moram authority; The influence shift
“Competence is the core of moral authority”
“How do you build a foundation of competence? By giving your best, starting with the small stuff”
“Leadership authority shrinks or expands with a person’s courage”
“Every leader who possesses moral authority has had to stand alone at some point in time”
Chapter 11 – Trained leaders to transformational leaders; The impact shift
“If your actions inspire people to dream more, learn more, and become more, than you are a transformational leader”
“Transformational leaders see thing differently. They ask Why Not, because they’re always thinking about trying to create a better future”
“Transformational leaders speak up”
“Transformational leaders believe that they can make a difference”
“Do you know what happens when a transformational leader has something to do? They get moving”
“If I want to help others to be transformational, I must first be transformational”
“An essential step in the leadership from trained to transformational is a commitment to taking action”
Chapter 12 – Career to calling; The passion shift
“Is there a cause you want to pursue that is consuming you so much that you can’t sleep at night? That’s a sign you might be called to it”
“People who have a sense of calling need to maintain a daily focus without loosing their long-term perspective”
“People who fulfil a calling leave a legacy in others”
Dodatne poveznice
Goodreads: Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace
Amazon: Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace
Blackwell’s: Leadershift: The 11 Essential Changes Every Leader Must Embrace
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