Seljenje computers objekata u odgovarajući OU

Nadam se da… … računalne objekte u Active Directory infrastrukturi ne držite u “Computers” OU. Ako da, vrijeme je da promijenite praksu. Jedna od osnovnih preporuka za Active Directory je da se u inicijalnim OU-ovima ne drže objekti organizacije. Dakle, svaki objekt koji se pojavi u OU Computers trebalo bi preseliti u odgovarajući OU. Jedan […]

Postavljanje opisa computer objekta

Najčešća praksa s kojom sam se susreo da se korisnička računala nazivaju prema lokaciji gdje se nalaze (npr. geografska lokacija, kat zgrade, itd), redni broj računala, vrsta računala, svrha računala, itd. Na taj način vrlo je lako organizirati računala ali je problematično saznati iz Active Directory infrastrukture tko koristi računalo. Ovaj cmdlet će u opis (atribut description) računala dodati ime i prezime korisnika koji se posljednji prijavio na računalo (atribut name) te adresu (atribut physicalDeliveryOfficeName).

Scheduled Tasks i gMSA

gMSA objekt gMSA (Group Managed Service Account) objekti dobrodošla su novost uvedena u Windows Server 2012. Logičan su slijed od MSA (Managed Service Account) uvedenih u Windows Server 2008 R2. Najveća razlika između MSA i gMSA je što se gMSA objekti mogu koristiti na više računala u odnosu na MSA koji se mogao koristiti na […]

SCSM HTML5 Self-Service portal

System Center Service Manager 2012 R2 od CU7 donosi novi Self-Service portal. Silverlight rješenje se napušta u korist HTML5 rješenja. To ima svojih prednosti i nedostataka. Naravno, najveća prednost je da se više neće koristiti tehnologija za koju je zadnja nadogradnja izdana prije gotovo godinu dana. Silverlight je prošlost. Napokon. Druga velika novost je da više nije potreban SharePoint kao podloga što će mnogima od Vas vrlo vjerojatno znatno olakšati rad i održavanje portala. Odluka Microsofta da se orijentira na HTML5 moguće da je najbolja odluka koju su donijeli u proteklih nekoliko godina.

Izgubljeni postovi

Samo da vas sve uputim u dosadašnja događanja. Ako ste kojim slučajem primijetili nedostaje više od dvije godine tekstova. Razlog je iznimno loša hosting tvrtka koja je uspjela slomiti moje MySQL baze podataka i napraviti restore baze podataka stare dvije godine. I nemaju noviju kopiju baze. Bez da su me obavijestili da to rade a […]

Dobili ste dijete? Čeka Vas sređivanje papirologije :)

Novorođenče ste doveli doma, presretni ste ali čeka Vas dosadan posao sređivanja papirologije. Što očekivati? Ukratko: matični ured, MUP, Gradski ured za zdravstvo i branitelje, tvrtka roditelja, HZZO i Porezna uprava. Ako nemate popis dokumenata koji Vam treba obavljanje navedenog moglo bi biti mukotrpno. Zato pišem ovaj blog post u nadi da ću pomoći sadašnjim i budućim roditeljima. Popis sam dobio od prijateljice koja je taj popis dobila od prijateljice. Popis je iz 2010 godine i neke stvari su promijenjene ali u ovom blog postu će sve biti s datumom ovog blog posta. Uz redoslijed kada i što obaviti priložiti ću i potrebne formulare koje je potrebno ispuniti. Uvijek provjerite na stranicama ustanove da li su formulari izmijenjeni kako bi izbjegli nepotreban put. Jedini formular koji je potrebno kupiti i ispuniti je Tiskanica 3 koji možete kupiti u Narodnim novinama.

Study of Implementing Available Security Controls of Wireless Computer Networks

This article will present an analysis of security levels of wireless home networks based on IEEE 802.11 standard. The analysis of security implementation will be done on the basis of activated security checks available to end users in order to protect their own wireless system to the full. The analysis will encompass average users as regards to their knowledge of network communication systems and implemented security checks. The end result, i.e. a realistic picture of the way end users think about wireless computer network security, which in turn will have an impact on science and society in general, will enhance the awareness of possible ways wireless networks can be abused.

Guidelines for Developing e-Learning System for Visually Impaired

According to the last “People with Disabilities Report” (cro. Izvješće o osobama s invaliditetom) in Republic of Croatia lives 529 103 persons with disability which is more than 10 % of total population. There is 18 317 persons with impaired vision (blind and visually impaired). Compared to previous years this number has increased by 2044 people. According to estimates 10%, with a tendency to increase, of blind people is using the Internet. Estimates are based on documents and reports that are currently derived from the project “Communication Rod to Independence” (cro. Komunikacijskom štapom do neovisnosti). This paper will discuss described definitions and standards that will be im-plemented in learning management system (LMS) as a module for visually im-paired. LMS developed at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences has been in use since 2004. System is composed of five modules: Document Management System (DMS), The Authorization and Supervision System (cro. Sustav Autorizacije i Nadzora; SAN), students module e-Student, SMS module SMSCentar and mobile learning module FPZMobile.

Mendeley & Citation Style Language

As I continued to write my Ph.D. thesis I found it very hard to organize and find literature that was on my hard drive I needed at that moment. The problem has always existed but now it has escalated because I currently have more than 150 different papers that needed to be organized, categorized and searchable. After digging around […]

Modelling of System for Transport and Traffic Information Management in Republic of Croatia

The traffic system is expected to provide faster, safer, more reliable, more comfortable and less expensive movement with enabling of maximal personal mobility. One of the necessary preconditions to realize these expectations is the real-time information of all those participating in the traffic processes with all the relevant data. Consequently, it is necessary to design and construct a traffic system that will, with the application of advanced information communication technologies (ICT), insure the backbone that will integrate the users’ services based on the principles of intelligent transport systems (ITS), in order to be able to provide the system users with reliable, precise and timely information necessary for a more efficient realization of the transport process.

With the application of modern ICT, the system for traffic information management collects, performs the adaptation process, fusion and processing (verification and addition of weights to each collected information) and carries out the distribution to all the interested users. Thus, new services may be offered that directly contribute to the improvement of traffic system quality by improving the change of space – time (s, t) coordinates (Figure 1) of the transported entity which is transported or transferred in adequate transport entity and moves with it along the transport network, with better efficiency of the consumed energy and less polluted environment.