[Sažetak] Escaping the Build Trap – Melissa Perri

Nemojte zaglaviti u Build Trap. Build Trap je trenutak kada se tvrtka orijentira na output umjesto na outcome. Kada se tvrtka orijentira na, i hvali se sa, vanity metrikama umjesto metrikama relevantnim za krajnje korisnike produkta koji grade i prodaju.

Tvrtke često završe u Build Trap stadiju kada žele postići, i održati, velocity isporuka zanemarujući ono bitno – što želi i treba krajnji korisnik. Build Trap je najčešće faza nakon uvođenja novih tehnologija te principa i kulture (poput mikroservisne arhitekture, Agile, DevOps) te se zaboravi koji je stvarni razlog postojanja produkta i same tvrtke.

Nemojte se dovesti u Build Trap. Nemojte zaglaviti u Build Trap. Pročitajte knjigu, prepuna je savjeta kako izbjeći i osloboditi se ovog fenomena.

Escaping the Build Trap


“This book is for every product person”

“This book is a guide to getting out of the build trap with great product management”

Part I – The Build Trap

“The build trap is when organizations become stuck measuring their success by outputs rather than outcomes. It’s when they focus more on shipping and developing features rather than on the actual value those things produce”

“The build trap is a terrifying place for companies because it distracts them. Everyone is so focused on shipping more software that they lose sight of what is important: producing value for customers, hitting business goals, and innovating against competitors”

“The build trap isn’t just about shipping software. It’s about realizing you have to change the way you’ve always done things”

“To get out of the build trap, you need to look at the entire company, not just the development team”

“Companies end up in the build trap when they misunderstand vale. Instead of associating value with outcomes they want to create for their business and customers, they measure value by number of things they produce”

“To gain this understanding [Value Exchange System], companies need to get their employees closer to their customers and users so that they can learn from them”

“To be strategic and to have people operate strategically, we need to stop judging teams based on the quantity of features shipped”

“Product-led companies understand that the success of their product is the primary driver of growth and value for their company”

“Sales-led companies let their contracts define their product strategy”

“Visionary-led companies can be very powerful – when you have the right visionary. But, there aren’t many Steve Jobses floating around”

“Another common way of operating is the technology-led company. The problem is that they often suffer from a lack of market-facing, value-led strategy”

Part II – The Role of the Product Manager

“Product management is the domain of recognizing and investigating the the known unknowns and of reducing the universe around unknown unknowns”

“Product managers identify features and products that will solve customer problems while achieving business goals”

“Agile does indeed promote a better way of collaboration and a faster method for building software, but it largely ignores how to do effective product management”

“Listening to everyone’s opinion is important, but it doesn’t mean a product manager should implement every suggestion”

“Product managers are not project managers, although a little project management is needed to execute on the role correctly. Project managers are responsible for the when. Product managers are responsible for the why”

“One of the worst traits a product manager can have is the lone-wolf mentality – the idea that they are the only one responsible for the success of their product”

“It’s [product management] about understanding the entire picture of the organization and figuring out how the product – not just experience – fits into it”

“A product manager must be tech literate, not tech fluent”

“A good product manager is thought how to prioritize work against clear, outcome-oriented goals, to define and discover real customer and business value, and to determine what processes are needed to reduce the uncertainty about the product’s success in the market”

“Tactical work for a product manager focuses on the shorter-term actions of building features and getting them out the door”

“Strategic work is about positioning the product and the company to win in the market and achieve goals”

“Operational work is about tying the strategy back to the tactical work. Here is where product managers create a roadmap that connects state of the product to the future state and aligns teams around the work”

“Instead of working toward a goal and saying no to anything that doesn’t get us there, we tend to look ways to develop more things related to our little slice of the product”

“While organizations lack a coherent product strategy that is ruthlessly prioritized around a few key goals, they end up spreading themselves thin”

Part III – Strategy

“A good strategy is not a plan, it’s a framework that helps you make decisions”

“Netflix can change tactics or kill ideas because it commits itself not to the solutions they are building but rather to the outcomes these solutions produce”

“Thinking of strategy as a plan is what gets us into the build trap”

“In his [Stephen Bungay] book on the subject, The Art of Action, he writes: Strategy is a deployable decision-making framework, enabling action to achieve desired outcomes, constrained by current capabilities, coherently aligned to existing context”

“A good strategy should sustain an organization for years. If you are changing strategy yearly or monthly, without good reason from data or the market, you are treating your strategy as a plan rather than as a framework”

“This failure [approaching strategy as a plan] stems from the actions taken to fill the following gaps that exist between outcomes, plans, and actions”

“The knowledge gap is the difference between what management would like to know and what the company actually knows”

“The alignment gap is the difference between what people do and what management wants them to do, which is to achieve the business goals”

“The effects gap os the difference between what we expect our actions to achieve and what actually happens”

“If you’re aligned coherently and you have a good strategic framework, you can then allow the people to make decisions without a lot of management oversight”

“A good company strategy should be made up of two parts: the operative framework, or how to keep the day-to-day activities of the company moving; and the strategic framework, or how the company realizes the vision through product and service development in the market”

“Strategy deployment is about setting the right level of goals and objectives throughout the organization to narrow the playing filed so that teams can act”

“Strategy creation is the process of figuring out which direction the company should act upon and of developing the framework in which people make decisions”

“Strategic intents communicate the company’s current areas of focus that help realize the vision”

“Strategic intents should be at a high level and business focused”

“Product initiatives translate the business goals into the problems that we will solve with our product”

“Product manages are in charge of making sure the product initiatives and options are aligned with the vision of an existing product or portfolio”

Part IV – Product Management Process

“Product metrics tell you how healthy your product is, and ultimately, your business, given that a healthy product contributes to overall health of the business”

“Frequently, teams turn to measuring what we call vanity metrics. This concept, introduced in Lean Startup, is about goals that look shiny and impressive because they always get bigger. People are excited to share how many users are on their product, how many daily page views they have, or how many logins their systema has. Although there number my make you look great to investors, they do not help the product teams or business make decisions”

“There are many product frameworks available to help you think through the appropriate product goals. My two favorite are Pirate Metrics and HEART metrics”

“Whatever your metrics, it’s important to have a system of metrics, not just one, to guide product decisions”

“Problem-based user research is generative research, meaning that is’s purpose is to find problem you want to solve”

“When conducting problem-based research, you are trying to identify the pain point and the root cause of the problem”

“Explain to them [your customers] why you are testing, when and how the experiment will end, and what you plan to do next. Communication is the key to a successful experimentation process”

“Learning reduces risk. The goal of solution exploration is to get faster feedback”

“A North Star document explains the product in a way that can be visualised by the entire team and company. This includes the problem it is solving, the proposed solution, the solution factors that matter for success, and the outcomes the product will result in”

“The team was oriented around outcomes, and then the leadership team gave it the space to figure out how to achieve those outcomes. These are the marks of a product-led company”

Part V – The Product-Led Organization

“The product-led organization is characterized by a culture that understands and organizes around outcomes over outputs, including a company cadence that evolves around evaluating it’s strategy in accordance to meeting outcomes”

“If there is one main reason I have seen companies fail to make a transition, it’s the lack of leadership buy-in to move to an outcome-oriented company”

“Visibility in organizations is absolutely the key”

“During quarterly business review meetings, the senior leadership team, made up of the executives and the highest level of the organization, should be discussing the progress toward the strategic intents and outcomes of a financial nature”

“The product initiative review is another quarterly meeting that can be staggered with the quarterly business review on off months. Here we review the progress of the options against the product initiatives and adjust our strategy accordingly”

“Release reviews provide the opportunity for teams to show off the hard work they have done and to talk about success metrics. These should happen monthly, before features go out, to showcase what is in the pipeline to be released”

“I want to be clear here: it is not a success if you fail and do not learn”

“When you don’t have safety built in to your company, your product managers won’t feel comfortable trying something new. No one will”

Dodatne Poveznice

Good Reads: Escaping the Build Trap

Amazon: Escaping the Build Trap

Blackwell’s: Escaping the Build Trap

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