Drawbacks of Implementing e-Learning System in the Teaching Process at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences

Abstract: The introduction and usage of the e-Learning system for distance learning, i.e. learning via the Internet or some other advanced multimedia method, has become an obligation and not just a possibility, in all the educational institutions, in the function of proactive continuous modernization of the teaching process by applying ICT. Although e-Learning is mostly mentioned within the context of learning at the educational institutions, companies are increasingly accepting and introducing distance learning systems. Negative effects of the implementation have not been sufficiently studied. It is easy to notice that the past focus of research referred mainly to positive effects on implementing the e-Learning method. The relatively short period, and the limited number of syllabuses which apply their own developed e-Learning systems at the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences (Faculty), have yielded the realized results of evaluating the implementation. The number of represented subjects in the e-Learning system is continuously growing, and consequently also the number of included students and the teaching staff. In the carried out surveys among students at the Faculty the majority of students has assessed this method of learning as very useful and a significant advancement in relation to classical learning methods. The assessment of their level of knowledge before using the system and afterwards, has shown significant increase and the students expressed a great wish for further development of the system and implementation of the system into the work of the entire Faculty. A very high percentage of students expressed a desire to introduce this type of studying i.e. learning in all the syllabuses, at all three courses of study at the Faculty. Research and surveys of other faculties and companies involved in the development of e-Learning systems are analogue to the achieved results at the Faculty.

Published in: Poster abstracts of the ITI 2008 30th International Conference on Information Tehnology Interfaces

Authors: Dragan Peraković, Vladimir Remenar, Zvonko Kavran

Keywords: e-learning, drawbacks

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