Analysis of Operation and Possibilities of Improving e-Learning System

Abstract: Since the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences was connected to CARNet academic network, new information and communication technologies are constantly being introduced and the old ones updated with the aim of improving the quality of studying, from the introduction of WEBCT application to complete design, development and implementation of one’s own solution of e-learning. A complete e-Learning system has been developed, named e-Student which consists of several program modules called SAN, DMS, SMSCentar, etc. Since the introduction of the system, the students and the teaching staff have shown great interest for the system for the reasons of easier monitoring of the students’ activities, through seminar papers and tasks, exercises and throug h solving of various knowledge tests. The work provides graphical illustrations and statistical data which analyze the operation of the system and the exploitation characteristics. The obtained results indicate the increase in the interest of the teaching staff and students which indicates further need to upgrade the system in order to increase the safety and speed of information transfer.

Published in: Promet – Traffic & Transportation

Authors: Dragan Peraković, Vladimir Remenar, Zdravko Šašek

Keywords: Internet, e-Learning, Web, SMS, GSM

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